How long does it take for an order to arrive?
We usually ship an order within two business days (Monday to Friday) and depending on the postal/zip code, orders can arrive anywhere from 3 - 10 business days. If the destination is international, there could be delays emanating from the Covid-19 pandemic. (Most businesses, including ours, have experienced these delays first-hand.) Please expect longer wait times for international shipments.

Do you have products for straight hair?
Design Essentials is the leading multicultural line in the US and there are many products that are suitable for straight hair. Most of our products in the classic line or the Platinum Volume collection are excellent for straight hair. Two of the most popular ones are Bamboo & Silk HCO leave-in conditioner and Silk Essentials.

Can I come to the salon to view products or hair extensions before purchasing?
Yes, you are welcome to come and view products and hair extensions. Most products and hair extensions are available in salon for purchase. A few items are in our off-site facility so please kindly call first so we can have them here for you.

What is your cancellation policy?
We require a minimum of 48 hours notice to cancel appointments. Cancellations that occur 24-48 hours prior to appointment incur 50% cancellation fee while those that are cancelled within 24 hours will be charged 100% cancellation fees. We also may require deposits for big jobs that are two hours or more on our peak day.